Confidential Investigation Services

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Confidential Investigation Services

All reports are treated seriously and investigated in an objective and fair manner.  Where GWBS is engaged to undertake the investigation, WBS investigations methods, resources and approach will be based on the nature of the information supplied concerning the misconduct, information provided and the circumstances. Investigations by GWBS respond to all concerns and report the findings.

GWBS will seek to access all relevant policies and procedures and other documents to enable WBS to understand the acceptable standard, and assess and report against that expectations.

Once the investigation report has been provided, the internal processes are likely to include;

  • Client review and assessment against
  • Determine the appropriate response to address any unacceptable conduct
  • Determine the appropriate remedial action to prevent future occurrences
  • Report to the CEO, Director, Committee or Board
  • Determine any the required consultation
  • Determine corrective measures
  • Debrief the Whistleblower if required

For an Investigation Report to be useful to the organisation it is important that it operate at three levels, namely:

  • The issue(s) that led to the report to GWBS and the response
  • The issues with the historic systems , processes, practices and controls within the organisation
  • Potential systems , processes, practices and controls solutions to prevent a future occurrence

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